Berlin, Germany is by far, is the most fascinating and unique place to study abroad. I spent a semester in Berlin in the spring and it was honestly the best few months of my life (besides how cold it was!). Berlin offers a modern and edgy city life, while also overflowing with history. I never once found myself bored in this city, because once I thought I had seen everything, I would come across hidden gems that you would never find if you didn’t explore past the usual tourist destinations. Berlin is EXTREMELY diverse and unique, so you aren’t getting the typical “German” experience here. Berliners would laugh at you if you came expecting pretzels, dirndls and oktoberfest! You are getting exposed to a vast mixture of Vietnamese, Turkish, German, Japanese, and many more cultures. Berlin’s history is still extremely raw and recent (the wall came down only a mere 28 years ago) and I could definitely notice the ways Berliners have coped with being separated for so long and how they have dealt with the recent unity. 

My program offered lots of local excursions, like to the Chancelor’s office, a concentration camp, stasi prison, and more. All of my classes had field trips so learning was more hands on. Learning about something you can see, feel and experience first hand is different and more beneficial than just sitting in a classroom watching a powerpoint. Berlin gave students that opportunity to learn this way since it is so rich with history. 

One place that stood out to me was Teufelsberg, an abandoned allied spy station from the Cold War. This station, perched on the top of a tall hill, was used to spy on East Germany. The British and the Americans fought over this coveted station, and after the Cold War, it went through many private ownerships. Now, it is used for art displays. The station maintains its old, abounded feeling, with barely any new renovations from its original form. Murals and graffiti cover the walls and the staircases, and visitors are able to roam the vast property and enjoy the art. 

There was definitely an adjustment period of getting used to such a different culture, but as soon as I realized how much I loved Berlin after really getting to know it, I never wanted to leave. I had met some amazing friends my first week here and it was amazing just exploring and seeing new things every day. From meeting new people, exploring new areas and frequenting the many different clubs and restaurants, there are an infinite number of things to experience here in Berlin. Berlin has opened up my mind to the possibility of leaving California and having this same exploratory and assimilating experience in other cities. What Berlin has made me realize is that while I was here I paid a lot of attention to the things going on around me as to not miss anything and to see and experience as much as possible. While I move on to my last year at Purdue, I want to remember to live with as much curiosity and exploratory nature that even in a familiar place I’ll still be able to learn and have novel experiences like I found in the amazing, crazy and unique Berlin. Berlin will always have a special place in my heart. 

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